Welcome to my blog!

Hello bookworms and welcome!

This is my first blog post so you will have to bear with me as I get the hang of things! I thought I would focus on reading for my first post (and possibly for every other post too!)

So without further ado I present to you a somewhat-comprehensive list of why I love to read…. (and why you should love to read too!)

  1. It’s an escape- Reading for pleasure provides you with that experience of escaping reality. You have the chance to visit new places, learn new things, meet new people and so much more. It’s the closest thing we have to actually travelling right now….

  2. It’s relaxing- Okay, you got me. Reading endless textbooks for school is certainly NOT relaxing. But reading for pleasure is. Choosing books that you are interested in can create a sense of relaxation and comfort every time you sit down to read. It’s proven to reduce anxiety and reduce stress levels, which is always a good thing!

  3. It’s good for your cognitive processes- huh? What are those? You may be wondering if I’m speaking English (yes, I am) Cognitive processes are basically all those little cogs whirring away inside your brain, controlling things like memory, attention, problem-solving and everything in between. And reading can improve all of these processes- no matter what it is you’re reading. Now, I will admit my memory is shocking, even after ten-plus years of constant reading. But someday, right?

  4. Knowledge is power- Reading expands your world view, increases your understanding of society and societal structures and also increases your empathy. You learn so much through reading! Vocabulary can be improved with reading too. Being exposed to so many different social situations in literature can help you in social problem-solving also, despite the stereotypes out there for us bookworms. We’re not all socially awkward….. well, except me….

  5. Read to succeed- If you want to stay informed on a topic, if you are aiming towards a goal, whatever that may be, reading can help! There are books out there on every sort of subject imaginable, and you can use these resources to advance your learning. History nerds like me have endless lists of factual texts that can help us satisfy our cravings for WW2 info, or help us get a H1 in the Leaving Cert (we live in hope)

So, without any hesitation, go forth and read!

(If you are not sure how to begin your reading journey, please check out my article for Assembly )